Training & Consultation
is recognized as a leader in the Safety and Health field. Among
the full time Safety Staff are an Administrator, Coordinator,
Director, and Field Tech. The company has received local and national
awards for its training and education programs in the construction
industry. In 1997, REXCO, Inc. won the Business Roundtables National
Safety Excellence Award. This award represented working 250,000
to 500,000 Safe Man-hours in the Categories of 15, 16, and 17
SIC. Only one award is given in this category for the nation.
also has an incident frequency rate which is far below the industry
standard. REXCO, Inc.’s 2000 Experience Modifier Rate was
.18, an Incident Rate of 1.06, and a Severity Rate of 0.00. The
employees of REXCO, Inc. receive extensive training in the area
of safety as well as their craft. This is possible by Instructor
and Program Certification through the U. S. Department of Labor.
The Safety Program meets the requirements of both OSHA and MSHA
Regulatory Standards. The Safety Department is also certified
by the Construction Education Foundation to instruct Crafts Safety
Safety Department also offers outside safety training services
in the areas of Construction, Mining, and General Industries.
These services have been utilized by international corporations
as well as small, independently owner companies. Additionally
the Safety Department offers On-Site Third Party safety support
for shutdowns and construction
